Who are we?
We’re glad you asked. Well, the temptation exists to create some decorative marketing speak characterized by otiose value statements and clichés. But that’s not us. The Best Call Center is different. With a great deal of experience, we’ve been serving thousands of customers and their callers with responsive, professional, flexible, and friendly live answering services. In fact, our call center was created with businesses like yours in mind. We are dedicated to providing our clients with nothing but fineness in everything we do. The level of superior customer care that we’ve offered since our inception is what built our business to what it is today and gave us an edge over our competitors. Our business has improved over the years, but one thing remains the same: we guarantee that all of your calls will be answered by a fluent English and Spanish speaker.
The energy at The Best Call Center is palpable and we’re still growing. We are a team of virtual receptionists available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to handle your business calls needs so you do not rely on automated systems and answering machines. In a field flooded with advanced development of chat-bots, artificial intelligence, and automated voice response, we understand the need to take control of technology and incorporate efficiencies we can pass as customer value.
We also understand a conversation between people is what makes us human and when it comes to making meaningful interactions, humans trump robots. We believe that callers who dial your number should be greeted by a helpful, friendly, live person who can provide the assistance and information needed and create a positive experience with your company. We have the resources to utilize the best equipment, technology, security and management, and redundancy. The Best Call Center is not a typical live answering service. Nor is it a neighborhood call center. We are the best there is in the industry and are committed to providing you with the highest quality customer support you expect from a national call center.
Our Team Is the Best There Is
When it comes to live telephone answering service, every single call matters. The voice that meets your caller, patient, customer or client is the voice that represents your company. It’s also the voice that makes the difference between chaos and efficiency, frustrated callers and happy callers, sales and no sales. We hire ONLY the very best professional call agents. The Best Call Center is a boutique live answering service with a specific focus on our customers, our agents, and our culture. Our US-based team of agents works closely with you and your team to develop customized scripts, answer calls, triage calls from the general to the crucial ones, manage appointment scheduling, take messages and relay them in real-time...and so much more!
We may be biased when we say that our team is the best in the business, but we have heard this from outsiders and with the hard work we put in on a daily for this very purpose, we know that it’s absolutely true. Of course, our team goes beyond live receptionists who are on the front line. It also includes professionals and staff in Human Resources, Training, Billing and Finance, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Information Technology, and of course, our senior management.
Anyone can answer the phone, but our agents HANDLE the call. We at The Best Call Center spend more time than the industry average on training our team. Our agents are equipped with the skills and experience your business needs to scale to greater heights. They understand that they are an extension of your business and are dedicated to creating a positive experience every time. Everyone who works for The Best Call Center falls in love with the supportive and positive atmosphere, which, consequently, fosters hard work and efficiency. It’s a powerful cycle and we take pride in it because it’s the one that keeps our business growing and thriving. It’s no accident that we have the best staff retention rate in the industry.